Resource Forum

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About the Resource Forum

The EOOS Resource Forum will help with the long-term sustainability of ocean observing in Europe.

This forum includes national and European funders of ocean observing. It is expected that the Resource Forum members will serve in their capacity of ocean observation funders and represent their organisations or initiatives. This forum should include national and European funders of ocean observing. It is expected that the Resource Forum members will serve in their capacity of ocean observation funders and represent their organisations or initiatives.

The key responsibilities of the Resources Forum will be to:

  • Engage with the EOOS process
  • Advise on opportunities and risks and propose possible mitigation strategies for long-term funding of ocean observations
  • Communicate relevant strategic funding opportunities for EOOS
  • Enable the EOOS implementation plan where relevant and practicable
  • Advise the EOOS Steering Group about changes in the funding landscape European and international level
  • Identify shared priorities and advise on the EOOS added value.

The Executive Director of JPI Oceans chairs the Resource Forum. The JPI Oceans Secretariat will support the Resource Forum in close collaboration with the Secretariat of EuroGOOS.


National Charts on Ocean Observing and Monitoring

The series of National Charts on Ocean Observing and Monitoring outline the responsibilities and processes of in-situ ocean observation and monitoring in several European countries represented in the EOOS Resource Forum.

Below is a list of the National Charts available to date. New Charts will be added as they are completed.

The charts can be navigated by clicking through the various levels, zooming in for good legibility, and hovering over the text boxes for explanations.

The National Charts are dynamic, i.e. will be updated based on information made available to us. Feedback can be sent to the contact person mentioned on the respective chart.

Country representatives interested in helping us to generate additional National Charts are welcome to get in touch with Dr. Jella Kandziora, JPI Oceans.


  • Thorsten Kiefer

    Chair, Executive Director - Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans

  • Gert Verreet

    Flemish Government, Department Economy, Science and Innovation, Belgium

  • Doris Jozić

    Ministry of Science and Education, Croatia

  • Jaana Lehtimäki

    Academy of Finland, Research Council for Biosciences and Environment, Finland

  • Alain Lagrange

    Sea engineering and development mission, Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Innovation, France

  • Gilles Lericolais

    Adviser of Ifremer, CEO and Senior Scientific Officer - General Secretariat for the Sea of the Prime Minister, France

  • Maurice Heral

    Brussels Cellule - Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership

  • Emil Stanev

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany

  • George Petihakis

    Research Director - Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece

  • Christophe S. Pampoulie

    Research Manager - Hafrannsóknastofnun Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Iceland

  • Caroline Cusack

    Team Leader – Oceanographic and Climate Services, Marine Institute (MI), Ireland

  • Eivind Lorentzen

    Specialist Director - Norwegian Ministry Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Norway

  • Sofia Cordeiro

    Programa Oceano, Foreign Affairs Department, Science and Technology Foundation, Portugal

  • Veronique Creach

    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, CEFAS, United Kingdom

  • Nicolas Segebarth

    Policy Officer - Directorate General for Research, Technology, and Innovation (DG RTD), European Commission

  • Magdalena Andreea Strachinescu Olteanu

    Head of Unit - Marine Knowledge and Investment (MARE.A.1), Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), European Commission

  • Frederic Melin

    Policy Officer Scientific - Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC), European Commission

  • Henning Wehde

    Head of Research/ Research Manager - Institute of Marine Research, Norway

The Resource Forum is supported by Jella Kandziora, Science-policy advisor, JPI Oceans.