Thinking Ahead: The Technology of the Science We Will Need for the Ocean We Want
The EOOS Technology Forum will be hosting a forward looking workshop on the technologies required to fulfill the goals of the UN Decade for Ocean Science and Sustainable Development. The workshop will bring together science and industry to explore the technical challenges and requirements needed to achieve the ultimate goal of a clean and healthy Ocean. The case study for the workshop will be “Marine pollution: monitoring, mitigation, forecasting and measuring impact on marine life”.
Day 1
Time UTC / Time CET
14:00-14:10 / 15:00-15:10
Welcome and housekeeping
14:10-15:30 / 15:10-16:30
Keynote and plenary presentations : Setting the scene technology for the UN Ocean Decade
15:30-15:45 / 16:30-16:45
15:45-16:25 / 16:45-17:25
Panel discussion: the technology we need and role of technology to achieve UN Ocean Decade goals
16:25-16:40 / 17:25-17:40
16:40-17:40 / 17:40-18:40
Show and tell session for tech developers and industry: Sensors and technology. Keynote and contributed 5-min talks (Additional time will be provided after the session for interaction with presenters)
Day 2
Time UTC / Time CET
14:00-14:05 / 15:00-15:05
House keeping
14:05-14:25 / 15:05-15:25
Keynote “current technological landscape”
14:25-15:05 / 15:25-16:05
Panel discussion “how do we achieve a distributed, embedded, multi-parameter ocean network”
15:05-15:20 / 16:05-16:20
15:20-16:10 / 16:20-17:10
Panel discussion “How do we establish a systematic and robust data value chain”
16:10-16:30 / 17:10-17:30
16:30-17:30 / 17:30-18:30
Show and tell session for tech developers and industry: Instrument platforms and integration (e.g. IoT). Keynote and contributed 5-min talks (Additional time will be provided after the session for interaction with presenters)
Day 3
Time UTC / Time CET
14:00-14:05 / 15:00-15:05
House keeping
14:05-14:25 / 15:05-15:25
Keynote “new developments in big data approaches”
14:25-15:10 / 15:25-16:10
Show and tell session for tech developers and industry: cyber-infrastructure, AI and applications
15:10-15:40 / 16:10-16:40
Break (includes time for interaction with presenters of Show and tell session)
15:40-16:25 / 16:40-17:25
Panel discussion: Recommendations, what can we do within this decade and the role of EOOS Tech Forum
16:25-17:00 / 17:25-18:00
Summary and conclusions